
hi there y'all and welcome to my happy place! 

i'm so glad you're here! 

this blog is a place for me to share seasons of life, the many adventures of homeschooling my little, my love for god, plants, herbalism and clean living and the little things that bring so much joy and inspiration to my life.

every where we turn these days we find so much darkness and sadness in the world but my goal with this blog is to share and spread light.

to give hope to those who may be looking for it. 

to uplift other homeschool mama's who might be having a hard day or find themselves feeling isolated and simply just need to know that they are not alone, we've all been there and this too shall pass. 

to inspire other homeschooling families with ideas, guidance and encouragement. 

life is a journey filled with many ups and downs but what matters the most is how we live that journey, the mark we make and the story we leave behind. 

come along with me for the ride...

xx, tai

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