how to make lavender infused oil


there's nothing i love more then something i can make on my own or something that is naturally made. knowing what i am putting on my body or my families body is super important to me. there are so many products out there that are loaded up with chemicals that most people have no idea about. 

i will never forget when i watched a documentary called stink, i was mortified! i knew that there were definitely ingredients in products that were probably not the best to be putting on our skin, especially with it being the largest organ on our body that takes only about 26 seconds to absorb a chemical into our bloodstream. but i had no idea that some of those products are literally being mixed with the same chemicals you use to clean your toilet bowl! crazy right?! don't believe me.. watch the documentary! you will be mind blown!

so with all of that in mind, a couple of months ago i enrolled in an herbalism course at the herbal academy and i am absolutely loving it! i am learning how an herbal approach can support wellness and how to make my very own teas, tinctures and body products which brings me to today's post. 

today i am sharing how easy it is to make your very own lavender oil infusion! there are so many benefits to using lavender oil. use it for relaxation purposes or to help with anxiety, insomnia, eczema, dry skin, nausea, menstrual cramps... the works! 

 here's what you'll need:

- a carrier oil of your choice, i used coconut oil

-organic lavender buds, i purchase mine from a reputable store called mountain rose herbs (always be sure to know where you are buying your herbs because there are plenty of companies out there that sell herbs in which are grown using chemicals and pesticides)

- medium size or large mason jar with a lid 

- glass dropper bottle

- cheese cloth for straining

- funnel

- bowl with a spout 

* most of the things you will need for this can be easily found in your kitchen ;)

making an infusion consists of letting the oil sit anywhere from 1 to 4 weeks so for the first part of this project you will simply be taking your jar and filling it about 3/4 of the way up with lavender buds and then filling the jar with your carrier oil until the buds are completely covered in the oil. once you've done that you will seal the jar and place it in a sunny, warm place. make sure to shake the bottle daily to make sure your mixing everything up.

after a week or 4 weeks, however long you decide to wait (i infused mine for 4 weeks) you'll take a bowl, place a cheese cloth over it and pour out your jar of lavender buds and oil. wrap the cheese cloth around all of the buds and squeeze all of the oil out of them into the bowl. once you've squeezed out all of the oil, use a funnel to pour your oil into a dropper bottle where you can use your lavender infused oil as much or as little as you please! 

i love how this infusion turned out. it smells amazing and has been great for helping to keep my skin moisturized.

and remember you can also do this with lavender that you may be growing in your garden. you'll just need to let it dry out before you use it.

enjoy and stay healthy y'all!


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