autumn bucket list | baking an apple pie

we love seasonal bucket lists! 

they remind us of all the beauty each season holds and all the fun things we can look forward to. 

this week we checked baking an apple pie off the list! it turned out so yummy, we're still enjoying every last bit of it. 

i love baking during the colder months. from the warm nostalgic scents that spread through out our home and the cozy feels, i love it all. 

if you haven't baked anything yet this fall season i definitely recommend giving this apple pie a try. it's super simple and takes very little time to complete. 

here's the recipe we used...

you'll need:

- pie dish
- store bought pie crust (or you can make your own if you're up to the challenge)
- 5-7 apples
- 3/4 cup of sugar
- 1 teaspoon of cinnamon (we love cinnamon so i always add a tad more then this)
- 1/4 teaspoon of salt
- 2 tablespoons of butter

1. preheat your oven to 425 degrees fahrenheit .

2. take one side of your pie crust and place it onto the pie dish. you'll want to press the crust onto the rim of the pie dish so that it doesn't slip down once you add your pie filling. 

3. peel, core and cut apples into 1/2 inch slices.

4. toss your apples and all of the other ingredients into a bowl and mix them all up.

5. pour everything into the bottom pie crust/dish. if you like you can arrange the apple slices in the pie crust/dish, piling them higher in the center but we didn't do this. either way will work though. 

6. once you've done that you can either choose to place the other piece of pie crust as a whole on top of the dish or you can cut the crust into slices and lace it on top of the pie (pictured above). if you place the pie crust as a whole on top be sure to cut some vents in the top crust. if you have any extra pie crust left over you can have some fun with your pie using cookie cutters and add details to the pie like we did. 

7. next up, glaze your pie using an egg yolk with 1 tablespoon of water. brush the mixture over the surface of the top pie crust.

8. last step is baking your pie for 45 minutes at 425 degrees fahrenheit. you want your pie to look nice and golden brown and that the apple slices are tender. once it's done, take it out of the oven and allow it to cool before you serve.

happy baking and enjoy!


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