family adventures: apple picking

its my favorite time of year again! autumn!!!

spring is up there also but there is something about autumn that just gives me all the feels. the coziness of it, the colors of the falling leaves, the weather.... ohhhh don't even get me started on sweater weather! i mean how could anyone not love it!!!

on monday we took a field trip out east in long island to go apple picking! we were literally the only people there which we loved of course. it's one of the many benefits of homeschooling, you get to go places during the week when everyone else is in school!

we had a great time and left with about 30 apples. while we were there not only did we pick apples but we had some fun chasing butterflies and exploring big holes that we later found out were from groundhogs. they were huge and there were so many of them!

my husband loves taking detours during our day trips so he turned down a random street which lead us to the view you see above! absolutely breathtaking. there were homes on this street that literally have this as their view. can you imagine waking up to this everyday?!! there are stairs that lead down to this private beach area. so amazing. 

looking forward to seeing what other adventures we get ourselves into this fall!


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