home: wall art refresh

i don't know about you but i cannot wait until spring! its one of my favorite seasons.

one of the things i look forward to doing every season is a little seasonal refresh. some cleaning, de-cluttering and adding a couple new touches around the home to give things a fresh feel. its the perfect way to begin a new season!

i like to find ways to refresh without having to spend much money. i also always try to limit purchasing new pieces to bring into our home. i don't like being surrounded by clutter so i only choose things that i absolutely love and pieces that i would want in our home for years to come. 

i've been on the look out for art for our living room for quite some time but art purchases for me are a process. the right size, color, design... like i said, it's a process and it takes time to find the right piece. so as a temporary fix i added three cavalini posters above our sofa which have been working out really well but they've been there for quite some time so i wanted to change them up for the spring. i found a couple posters i liked, however i couldn't find three posters that went well together so that left me trying to find another temporary fix until i can settle on wall art. 

in our library we have a beautiful book series from the "welcome to the museum" series. the art in these books is absolutely breathtaking and while flipping through one of the books recently i thought why not use these pictures as art on the wall! now, i'm not one for wanting to cut up books though so i decided to order their poster book and use that instead. i do have to admit however that i did end up cutting two pictures out of the book but in all fairness they were chapter dividers so i felt a little better about, lol. 

after a whole lot of measuring and leveling, here's the final look.

i absolutely love it!!

it adds so much color and character to our living room and with our home having an open floor plan it works so well with everything else in this space. our school room sits directly opposite to this space so it even ties in really well with that space since the overall feel in our school room has those "nature" vibes.

what do you think?!

hey, i'm all for wall art that's under $25!

so now tell me, what do you like to do when a new season is arriving? some cleaning? re-decorating? tell me in the comment section below.


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