you are never alone

ever have times in your life where you have a lot on your heart?

that's me lately... so many thoughts, so much thinking.

lately i feel like my life is at a point where it's taking a turn and change is near or perhaps already here. 

god has truly been a place of refuge for me. i find so much comfort when i am reading the bible, praying or doing a bible study. it's made me realize that close to him is where i should always be and that when i am life just makes that much more sense to me. i see clearly, i think clearly. i am filled with wisdom and focused. i don't feel lost. i don't feel overwhelmed or filled with anxiety. peace, true peace is what he gives me. 

"be strong and courageous. do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, 

for the lord your god will be with you wherever you go." - joshua 1:9

i've also been spending a lot of time reading. i'm never not reading 3-4 books at a time but lately i've added poetry to those reads and its honestly made me think of the things on my heart in a totally different perspective. eye opening. transformative. 

so i thought i would add a couple of those poems to my blog to not only serve as a reminder to myself but to perhaps have these words connect with you as well. perhaps they will speak to you as they have for me.

you reap what you sow.

so sow well.

sow seeds of faith

over seeds of doubt.

sow seeds of peace

over seeds of worry.

sow seeds of love

over seeds of fear.

and if in the past, 

you sowed

what you did not need,

there is nothing that says

you must keep watering those things.

leave them alone.

let them die.

make room to only sow things

that bring life. 


open your bedroom blinds.

see the way the sun shines on you?

blue or grey, light fights through

and makes its way to you.

now look around your room

and see the morning rising,

see the shadows falling

feel the day calling you:

to know you are loved,

to know you are seen, 

to know faithful light

is all you'll ever need.


hear the wind as it howls around you

over the ridges and into the valley

where you stand in the drying weeds,

with a sense of new days coming.

see the setting sun

turning barren lands

into rows of endless yellow

that now has you thinking,

maybe the change of a season

is more than sorrow, 

but a leap, a promise

for hope


all of these poems are by morgan harper nichols. they're from one of my favorite poetry books called storyteller. i've read this book more times then i can count, however this time around i feel like it's inspired me to start writing more whether it's here on my blog or even in my own personal journal.

if you're where i am these days and have a lot on your own heart, i hope that this post at the very least lets you know that you are not alone. you are seen and you are strong. 

listen to your heart.


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