handicraft: flower pressing

the art of flower pressing is absolutely beautiful. 

the process is so simple yet the outcome is truly magical. i have to admit its my favorite part of the process. 

today i'm sharing the two easy ways that i go about flower pressing so that perhaps you can give it a try as well.  

i've always loved having fresh flowers in my home. there's just something about bringing nature indoors that i really love, hence the 397,493 plants i own, lol. but when the flowers are beginning to wilt instead of tossing them in the trash, i like to give them new life. 

one way i like to preserve flowers is by using a paper towel and a large, heavy book. simply trim the flower so that you only have the flower portion with no stem, place it face down on the paper towel so that the center of the flower is flat on the paper towel and once you've added all the flowers you want to dry, add another piece of paper towel on top to cover all of the flowers. once you're done with that, you'll open your book (the middle of the book works best so that there is a good amount of weight on the flowers) and gently slide the paper towel which is holding the flowers into the book. close it and leave them in there a couple of weeks to dry. 

the second way i like to press flowers is using a flower press. i'll be honest though, i don't use a flower press often as it limits me on space because the press i own isn't very large. however, a press also works great for pressing flowers. i basically approach it the same way. i use a paper towel and add my flowers to it just as i mentioned above. the great thing about a flower press is that you can pile flowers on top of flowers to dry. just add a piece of cardboard in between your layers of paper towels. so for an example, here's how you would layer it, paper towel, flowers, paper towel and then a piece of cardboard before adding another set of flowers to dry. 

its that simple y'all.

there are so many things you can make with pressed flowers. bookmarks, greeting cards, paper lanterns, wall art, etc. the possibilities are endless! have fun with it.

happy crafting!


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