a guide to homeschool organization

organization is one of those things that just makes life so much easier. 

it means less mess, everything has a home, zero clutter and the best part its stress free. however, not everyone finds it stress free when it comes to actually getting to the point of being organized. 

today i'm sharing some simple (and stress free) ways to get and keep you organized through out your homeschool year.

- start with the big picture in mind -

what do you envision for your homeschool? 

what goals do you want to set out to achieve this year? 

i'm sure you're wondering what this has to do with organizing but here's why i ask those questions. when you start with the big picture in mind, it helps you with figuring out how to move forward. when you know what you are setting out to achieve, you have a better idea of what you are going to need in order to achieve those goals.

- write out your thoughts and plans -

i know that some of us aren't note takers or fans of using planners however hear me out. writing out your thoughts and plans allows you to have a visual. with a visual you are able to map things out and plan accordingly which helps you get organized. 

write down important dates. if you live in a state that requires reporting, write down when those reports are due. 

are you planning out unit studies for the upcoming year? write those topics out so that you have a visual map that you can use in order to plan everything else out such as books you will need, materials, supplies, etc. 

- storage solutions are you best friend -

one of the best ways to organize your homeschool is by making sure everything has a designated space. this ensures that everything has a home and is returned to that location when it is finished being used. 

if you have a small space to homeschool in, there is nothing wrong with that it's actually even more of a reason to have storage solutions for whatever supplies, books, etc. that you use in your homeschool. 

contain it, use it and return it to it's home.

there are many ways to keep homeschooling supplies organized. 

here are some of my favorites:

4 cube organizer | these are great for storing books. you can also add bins or baskets to the shelves if you don't want to have things visible or loose on the shelves. 

caddies | caddies are a great way to store things that you need to access to through out your school day such as pencils, crayons, markers, color pencils, glue sticks, scissors, etc. they can easily be placed on the table and then once you're done using it, you can return it to its home.

large baskets | large baskets are a great for storing larger books and toys. if you use a morning basket in your homeschool, this is a great roomy basket for storing everything you'll need.

trofast storage bench | this storage piece has literally made its rounds in our home. we've used it in my sons nursery when he was a baby, then again in his room to hold legos and now it's in our homeschool space holding our school supplies and doubling as a bench for my son to sit on. it's a very versatile piece. you can even use the top of it as a play surface or to display books and other learning materials.

trofast storage combination | this combo storage piece is great for storing supplies, toys, books, puzzle boxes, etc. you can even choose different bins for it according to your own personal needs.

picture ledges | picture ledges are great for storing and displaying books. they're also great for holding wood learning boards, small cork boards and small learning tools that you my want handy or visible. 

rolling storage carts | these carts are great for small spaces. they can hold a lot and can easily be rolled wherever you choose to school. you can even add baskets to it to separate supplies or magazine holders to hold curriculum. they're a great storage solution.

bookcases | bookcases are always a winner. they can hold tons of things such as books, baskets, supplies.. the works. bookcases with doors on them are also a great option because they can keep supplies hidden, which is a great option if you don't want supplies to be visible.

small accessory clear bins | small clear bins are great for storing art supplies, loose parts, etc.

mason jars | mason jars are also great for storing loose parts, small supplies and if you use them without the lid they're great for holding pencils, markers, color pencils, etc. 

magazine holders | magazine holders are great for holding curriculum and paperwork. 

wall baskets | wall baskets that you can mount on a wall are a great way to store school supplies without taking up any floor space. these are a great solution when it comes to small space organization as well.

- small space organization -

finding ways to be organized when you have limited space can be challenging sometimes. you're limited on space so where do you store everything?!

my new guide, homeschool organization 101 that is launching on august 10th, has tons of ideas and solutions for small space organization along with topics such as:

- the step by step process of how to organize your homeschool

- how to create a portfolio for your child

- creating a space that inspires learning

- how to organize homeschool curriculum

- creating a daily flow for your homeschool

- tips and ideas for planning

- getting organized and keeping it that way

and so much more!

my goal with this guide is to help you through the process of organizing your homeschool and setting you up for a successful year. 

homeschooling is something that i am truly passionate about. it isn't just about educating my child but rather a lifestyle we live. the atmosphere in our home, the experiences we have, the memories we make. along with god, organization is at the forefront of all of those things for me and because i am organized it allows me the freedom to live that lifestyle.

being organized will allow you to create a space that inspires learning. 

organization saves you time and stress which then gives you time to create and enjoy life experiences and make lasting memories.

my hope is that this guide gets you to where you want to be when it comes to being organized and if you still need help along the way let me help you. just click here for more details.

the complete homeschool organization 101 guide launches on thursday, august 10th and will be available for purchase and download via my etsy shop so set those reminders! 

to celebrate the launch of my guide i am hosting a homeschool organization 101 workshop at brooklyn homeschoolers in brooklyn, ny. we'll be talking all about organization and each person that attends will go home with my new homeschool organization 101 guide. 

if you're a homeschooling family that lives in the new york city area and are interested in attending this free workshop, here's what you need to do:

1. download the mighty network app.

2. search for brooklyn homeschoolers.

3. fill out the small questionnaire and an administrator will approve, giving you access to all of our events including the homeschool organization 101 workshop.

i look forward to helping you on this venture to organization!


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