
a guide to homeschool organization

organization is one of those things that just makes life so much easier.  it means less mess, everything has a home, zero clutter and the best part its stress free. however, not everyone finds it stress free when it comes to actually getting to the point of being organized.  today i'm sharing so

our 4th grade curriculum picks and plans

i have to admit, when i titled this blog post i was overcome with emotion. the fact that we not only have a 9 year old but also a 4th grader has me at a loss for words. i remember the very day jax came into this world as if it happened yesterday and i just can't believe 9 years have already pa

homeschool space refresh

designing spaces and organizing is my jam.  i love making warm and inviting spaces in our home and then refreshing them every now and then. we recently completed our 3rd academic homeschool year and i thought it would fun to refresh our school space to give us a fresh start when we pick things back

handicraft: flower pressing

the art of flower pressing is absolutely beautiful.  the process is so simple yet the outcome is truly magical. i have to admit its my favorite part of the process.  today i'm sharing the two easy ways that i go about flower pressing so that perhaps you can give it a try as well.   i've alwa

our summer learning plans

i can't believe the summer is almost here!  this year is going by so incredibly fast, however, i'm here for it because i am ready for a summer of fun, adventure and exploration. we are year-round homeschoolers but for us that does not mean that our heads are stuck inside of curriculum 365 da

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